
6th APER Forum

Shenzhen, China
November 16 - November 17, 2023

The 6th APER Forum is planned to be held in Shenzhen, China in November 16-17,2023. The theme of the forum is “Energy Market Construction and Green Transition”.

CMAEL – GUSEE Biennal Joint Meeting

Naples, Italy
September 19 - September 20, 2023

The biennial joint meeting CMAEL-GUSEE is the forum of the National Community of academics and researchers in the scientific-disciplinary fields ING-IND/32 (Converters, Machines and Electric Drives) and ING-IND/33 (Electrical Power Systems). It is the place where the scientific-technological research topics developed in the areas of interest from the different universities are presented, with the possibility to discuss and compare the main results obtained.

It is also a tradition to present in a comparative way the educational offer provided in the Italian Universities (Bachelor, Master, PHD…). The Meeting also aims to improve the interaction and exchange of ideas between the representatives of the different universities, both to start or consolidate inter-university collaborations, both to have a broader vision of possible future developments in the scientific areas and application domains of interest.

Future of the Grid exchange

Johannesburg, South Africa
September 13 - September 14, 2023

Globally, the transition from traditional generators to high levels of variable renewable and distributed energy resources is already challenging traditional models of system operations. Yet achieving global net zero greenhouse gas emissions and universal energy access goals will crucially depend on reliable, stable, and decarbonised electricity systems. The reorganisation of electricity systems to integrate high levels of variable renewable energy (VRE) and the associated investment in grid infrastructure are critical interventions in meeting energy security, climate and development goals, and South Africa’s just transition aspirations – but are not without their challenges.

This knowledge exchange will synthesise learnings and insights from international system operators (SO) and grid experts in the operation of higher VRE power systems, providing real-world examples of challenges, lessons learned, and current and future interventions to enable higher levels of VRE in different contexts.

Seoul International Conference on the Energy Market

Seoul, South Korea
September 1 - September 1, 2023

Seoul will host on September 1st the 2023 edition of the Seoul International Conference on the Energy Market (SICEM), featuring strategic discussions between global players.

World Forum on Energy Regulation 2023

Lima, Peru
August 22 - August 25, 2023

The World Forum on Energy Regulation (WFER) is the leading international conference on energy regulation and is held every three years. It brings together key players in the energy industry, high-level decision-makers, academics, and regulators from around the world to engage in strategic energy discussions on different regulatory schemes.

Luiz Carlos Ciocchi, Director General of ONS, will represent GO15 at this event as a panelist for the plenary session: Building the next-generation mixed of Energy Resources on Thursday“, August 24, 2023, from 16:30 to 18:00 at the Lima Convention Center (LCC).

Global Energy Transition 2023

New York City
June 7 - June 8, 2023

Amidst complex geopolitical tensions, volatile supply chains and the urgent need for rapid cuts in global emissions, the energy transition has reached a critical inflection point. In an era defined by uncertainty, where the gap between expectations and reality is widening, global industry must rise to imagine the unimagined and create possibilities despite disparity.

Energy Storage Forum 2023

Dubai, UAE - Sofitel hotel JBR
May 23 - May 25, 2023

This forum is a unique opportunity to engage with key players in the energy sector, government officials, and industry experts to discuss the latest developments in energy storage and the pathway to COP28. The event aims to explore the policy and regulatory aspects of the energy storage in the Energy Transition Era, exploring the latest market designs, latest renewable integration practices, the status of energy storage technology development, its deployment, and its impact on the energy sector.

This event provides an excellent platform for speakers and attendees to network and engage in high-level discussions on the future of the GCC power sector. Your participation and insights will add significant value to the event, and we are confident that you will find the discussions and presentations both informative and engaging.